Driving directions:
From the West or East: I-70 to Greenfield Exit (State Rd 9). Go South on St Rd 9 (approximately 2.5 miles) through town (you will cross Hwy 40 and go by Courthouse on left) You will go approximately 1 mile after crossing 40 turn left at the Village Pantry onto Davis Road (it will appear that you are leaving town). Proceed East on Davis Road and go across a small bridge and you will see soccer fields on the left side of the road.
From the West or East: Hwy 40 to Greenfield. Go to intersection of State Rd 9 (Courthouse at intersection). Turn South and go approximately 1 mile. Turn left (onto Davis Rd) at the Village Pantry. Proceed East on Davis Road and go across a small bridge and you will see soccer fields on the left side of the road.
From South: State Road 9 to Davis Road (There will be a Village Pantry on the Northwest corner of 9 & Davis Road). Turn right and proceed East on Davis Road. Go across a small bridge and you will see soccer fields on the left side of the road.
From North: Go South on St Rd 9 (approximately 2.5 miles I-70 and 9 intersection) through town (you will cross Hwy 40 and go by Courthouse on left). You will go approximately 1 mile after crossing 40. Turn left at the Village Pantry onto Davis Road (it will appear that you are leaving town). Proceed East on Davis Road and go across a small bridge and you will see soccer fields on the left side of the road.
Memorial Building:
98 E. North Street
Greenfield IN 46140

Greenfield Intermediate School Gym and Harris Elementary School Gym:
204 West Park Avenue
Greenfield, IN 46140
Gym entrance: doors on North side of building, use Elm Street entrance.
Club / Weather Hotline 335-4275